Series News Sadakatsiz series shooting has ended, here’s the farewell pose

Sadakatsiz series shooting has ended, here’s the farewell pose


Kanal D’s series Sadakatsiz (Unfaithfu), which achieved great success last season, could not find what it was looking for in the second season, and it was decided to make the final at the end of the season. The big day has arrived in Sadakatsiz and filming has come to an end.

The TV series Sadakatsizl, starring Cansu Dere, Melis Sezen and Caner Cindoruk, was adapted from the BBC’s Dr.Foster series. The series, which tells the story of a very stormy deception, stormed the screen with its first season last season and created controversy with every episode.

However, the ratings for the second season of Sadakatsiz were disappointing. The series, which made a very good start in the second season and received a rating in the band of 10, started to gradually decline in the ranking. When the story started to get blocked after a while, it was decided that Sadakatsiz would make a final at the end of this season.

With only two episodes to its finale, Sadakatsiz will bid farewell to the screens with its 60th episode. However, the shooting is already complete. Over the weekend, the Sadakatsiz cast reunited on set for the last time and said goodbye to their characters in this tumultuous series. Undoubtedly, the team of Sadakatsiz has done an unforgettable job.

The TV series Sadakatsiz attracted great attention abroad, especially in Latin American countries. Thanks to this series, especially Cansu Dere and Caner Cindoruk gained a large fan base in Latin American countries. Cansu Dere was deemed worthy of awards in Spain.

It seems that what will happen between Asya and Volkan in the last two episodes will affect the audience. Volkan, who was hospitalized in the 59th episode to be broadcast on Wednesday, May 18, said, “Asya, you know that you stuck that knife in me, not Derin, right?” His words will draw attention.