The Great Seljuk series, produced by Emre Konuk and signed by Akli Film, opens to the world. The series, which first started as Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu (Awakening Great Seljuk), continued on its way with the name Alparslan Great Seljuk last season.
Buğra Gülsoy and Hatice Şendil took the lead roles in the TV series Uyanış Great Seljuk, which broke the rating records in Turkey at the time it was aired, and a very successful business emerged. In the second season, the story of the series and the entire cast changed.
The Alparslan Great Seljuk series, which left the first season behind with the successful partnership of Barış Arduç and Fahriye Evcen, is ready for the second season. The series, whose trailer for the new season is shared, returns to the screen with its 28th episode on Monday, September 19th.
The second season of the series, in which Fahriye Evcen has left, will begin airing on September 19. The Great Seljuk series, consisting of the Uyanış and Alparslan Great Seljuk TV series, is broadcasting in more than 20 countries at the same time.
The Alparslan Great Seljuk series, which started last season with the Uyanış Great Seljuk series, one of the most talked about series of 2020, and will meet the audience with its second season on TRT1 screens on September 19, is broadcast on television channels in many countries of the world.
The Great Seljuk series, signed by Akli Film, first meets with audiences in more than 20 countries such as Mena Region, Pakistan, Israel, Bangladesh, Albania, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Azerbaijan. New ones will be added to the countries where the series is published in the coming days.