Artists News Serkan Tınmaz and Ceren Karakoç are also confused about one issue in the Kızılcık Şerbeti series!

Serkan Tınmaz and Ceren Karakoç are also confused about one issue in the Kızılcık Şerbeti series!


Kızılcık Şerbeti (Cranberry Sherbet), one of the most discussed TV series projects since the beginning of the season, continues to impress millions with its strong story towards the end of the season.

The script of the series, which is expected to continue in the second season, has undergone major changes since the day it started. The series took a different path, deviating from a point where it aimed to instill the awareness that conservative and secular families have the same values but different lifestyles.

When it was understood that the story based on relationships brought better ratings, the screenwriters who went over the character of Nursema, successfully played by Ceren Karakoç, achieved their goals. The character of Nursema became the igniter of the series and the ratings rose to double digits for a while.

The story of the character of Doğa played by Sıla Türkoğlu, also affected millions. Confronting the fact that her husband, whom she loved to marry and was expecting a baby, cheated on her, Doğa’s situation caused the female audience to focus more on the story.

A brand new era will begin in the journey of Umut, the man she loves with the character of Nursema. It is likely that Umut and Nursema will be the gripping couple of the story in the second season of the series.

Serkan Tınmaz and Ceren Karakoç duo also maintain a successful partnership. The two actors, who were guests on Onedio’s youtube channel and answered questions from the audience, also answered the question of whether the children of families from different cultures would be happy by getting married.

For many viewers, this question remains in their minds and the answer is uncertain. However, according to Serkan Tınmaz, young people who grow up in families from different cultures can build a happy life together.

Serkan Tınmaz said, “I think they can be happy. If the difference is like in our drama, yes, there may be some difficulties, but if the two sides love each other and are sure of it, I think they can overcome any difficulties.

Ceren Karakoç, on the other hand, thinks that this is only possible if families do not interfere with them. Her partner Serkan Tınmaz also supported this statement of Karakoç.

In fact, as it can be understood from even this short information, both young actors revealed that the question mark in the minds of many viewers is also in themselves.

Serkan Tınmaz and Ceren Karakoç state that the only way for the children of families from different cultures to be happy is that the families do not interfere with them.

While the characters of Umut and Nursema in the Kızılcık Şerbeti series are eagerly awaiting what they will encounter on their way out, let’s see what attitude will the families take in their effort to establish a happy life? It is eagerly awaited.