Artists News After the big disappointment, Sinem Ünsal fans are excited about the new project!

After the big disappointment, Sinem Ünsal fans are excited about the new project!

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Sinem Ünsal, who has taken part in various projects to date, but impresses with the character of Nazli in the TV series Mucize Doktor, had a great misfortune in her last series.

It was a great misfortune for the actress that the series Elbet Bir Gün, in which she took the lead role with Şebnem Bozoklu and Burak Yamantürk, made a final in the 6th episode due to low ratings. Sinem Ünsal, who was very well prepared for the series and thought that the story would be liked very much, faced a great disappointment.

Fans of the actress were also surprised by the short duration of the famous actress’ new series after Mucize Doktor series, which lasted for two seasons and achieved a great success. The actress, who has been resting for a while, is mentioned in a new project.

Sinem Ünsal was one of those whose names were mentioned in the theater play Aydınlık Evler, in which Demet Akbağ and Yılmaz Erdoğan will take part together. Preparations have begun for the play, in which Salih Bademci and Burak Dakak will also take part.

Yılmaz Erdoğan wrote the story, but she will not appear on the stage. The fact that Sinem Ünsal will also take part in the game project starring Demet Akbağ was a very important development for the actress.

Sinem Ünsal will delight her fans by displaying her talents in the theater as well.