The romantic comedy series Rent for Love, which left its mark on a period, is still on the agenda. It was thanks to this series that the popularity of Elçin Sangu and Barış Arduç peaked.
Rent for Love started on June 19, 2015 and lasted for 69 episodes. Important names such as Salih Bademci, Nergis Kumbasar and Onur Büyüktopçu also played a role in the final series on January 20, 2017.
One of the productions sold abroad, Rent for Love was loved in every country it was published. Izzet Pinto, the owner of Global Agency, who evaluated this situation, provided important information.
Speaking to Oya Doğan on the Dizidoktoru site, Izzet Pinto states that the romantic comedy series is a good customer abroad.
Pinto, “It went well in Rent for Love. We sold it to many countries and 90 percent of our customers were satisfied with their ratings. Love keeps in every country but it feels like an escape in such periods. Light content like that. they adopt it, “he said.