Artists News Arak series will start hard, Thursday ratings will change with İlker Kaleli and Öykü Karayel!

Arak series will start hard, Thursday ratings will change with İlker Kaleli and Öykü Karayel!

There is a large audience eagerly waiting for the new series called Arak. The intense interest shown in the promotions of the series, the first episode of which will be broadcast on Thursday, December 21, and the impact it has on social media attract attention.

While fans of İlker Kaleli and Öykü Karayel are eagerly waiting for the new series, new details about Arak emerge in every new trailer. The story of the characters Zeynep and Kara is expected to greatly impress the audience.

In the second trailer of Arak series, it seems that an effective story is supported by successful acting performances and a very good cast will appear before the audience.

With the new series Arak, the ratings are expected to change significantly on Thursday evenings. In addition to ATV’s Aldatmak (Deception) series, which is successfully continuing its second season, and Fox TV’s very successful series Hudutsuz Sevda (Boundless Love), the interest in the production called Sakla Beni (Hide Me) on Star TV is increasing.

While these three TV series were very effective on Thursday evenings, Kanal D’s newly launched TV series Bir Derdim Var (I Have a Problem) could not catch on. In addition to this series, which will make its finale with its 6th episode, TRT1’s Kendi Düşen Ağlamaz (Own Fallen Don’t Crying) series, whose ratings have fallen, is also on the screen on Thursday evenings.

Let us note that Arak will be included in the Thursday evenings, where the TV series Aldatmak, Hudutsuz Sevda and Sakla Beni are having a great rating race, starting from December 21st, and there is a possibility of a serious change in the ratings.

The fact that the Arak series created great excitement in the social media environment indicates that there will be strong competition among Thursday TV series in this field.

The second trailer was shared for Show TV’s new series Arak, produced by Most Production and produced by Murat Can Oğuz, which will start on Thursday, December 21st.

The promotion, dazzling with its cast and story, went down like a storm. While everyone is already wondering what will happen between Kara (İlker Kaleli) and Zeynep (Öykü Karayel), appreciative comments on social media attracted attention.

Other names in the cast are as follows: Tülin Özen, Mehmet Özgür, Yıldıray Şahinler, Kerem Arslanoğlu, Bedir Bedir, Furkan Kalabalık, Demircan Kaçel, Cem Zeynel Kılıç, Görkem Kasal, Beril Kolcu, Ilgaz Kaya and Bennu Yıldırımlar.

Ender Mıhlar is the director of the Arak series.

The script of the series is written by Ayberk Çınar, Murat Can Oğuz and Aslı Gönülay.

Arak, which will bring to the screen with a powerful narrative the gripping story of Kara (İlker Kaleli), who takes action to take revenge on those who stole his life, and Zeynep (Öykü Karayel), whose paths surprisingly cross with the young man, starts on Thursday, December 21st at 20.00 on Show TV.