Series News Atv’s very ambitious series started to be in trouble!

Atv’s very ambitious series started to be in trouble!

ATV’s Baş Belası is in big trouble! The summer season is coming to an end on the TV screen. The ratings of the series Baş Trouble, which aired on Friday evenings, continue to decrease. The situation of the series, in which İrem Helvacıoğlu and Seçkin Özdemir take the leading roles, bothers many viewers.

The series had a very successful line. The story and the concept are fine… For the audience, the series of Baş Belası was a project that wanted to stay on the screen for a long time. We see that the duo of İrem Helvacıoğlu and Seçkin Özdemir perform well and adapt to the characters very well.

In the name of the Baş Belası series, there is actually no problem with the story or the actors. The only and biggest problem is the ratings. It has been a great misfortune for the series that it has not yet attracted the attention of enough viewers. While the ratings of the series Baş Trouble, whose tenth episode was broadcast last night, were falling, the summer season was about to end, and it brought a lot of trouble.

ATV has to make a decision in September. Baş Belası airs on Friday nights and the ratings aren’t good at all. The series, which was ninth in all people last night, finished the day seventh in the EU and took the eighth place in the ABC1 category. The rating rates were quite low…

As a result, it is not easy for ATV to carry such a low-performing series on the screen. With the start of ambitious projects from rival channels, the situation of the Baş Belası may get worse. This is where a decision will have to be made.

One of the best quality productions of the last period for many viewers, Trouble in the Head almost became a problem for ATV. Because it is a problem if it is removed from the broadcast, another problem if it does not.

The takedown of such a good project will get a huge reaction from the audience. However, the hope of the show’s promotion is decreasing with each passing week.

With the month of September, ATV will either remove the Headache series from the air or allow it to continue for a while. Of course, ratings will again be the most decisive factor.

However, the expectations that a production with such low ratings will perform much better and get good ratings in the winter season are low. In other words, it is very unfair to make the series of Baş Belası final. But with such low ratings, continuing the road in the winter period may mean a great loss of income for the ATV.

The first trailer of the 11th new episode of the Baş Belası series was also released. You can watch the first footage from the new episode on Friday, August 27.