Series News Baht Oyunu, which conquered hearts in Turkey, is getting ready to take its fame beyond the borders!

Baht Oyunu, which conquered hearts in Turkey, is getting ready to take its fame beyond the borders!

The Baht Oyunu series, which came to the screen as a summer series on Kanal D and conquered everyone’s hearts in a short time, is now preparing to meet the audiences abroad. Baht Oyunu will be released in many countries very soon.

Baht Oyunu, a romantic comedy starring Cemre Baysel and Aytaç Şaşmaz, has been one of the favorite series of the audience throughout the summer. The series, which reached very good numbers in the ratings, was also a constant topic on the social media.

The most important reason for this success was that Cemre Baysel and Aytaç Şaşmaz were a very compatible couple. Baht Oyunu was a very important step in the career of Baysel and Şaşmaz couple, who carried their love to real life due to their role.

Baht Oyunu is now preparing to conquer abroad. It has been learned that the series will be broadcast in Latin American countries and Spain very soon. This development will enable the fame of Cemre Baysel and Aytaç Şaşmaz to go beyond the borders.

Although months have passed since its final, the effect of the Baht Oyunu still continues. The series, which said goodbye to the screens with its 17th episode aired on October 12, continues to receive awards. The series was deemed worthy of three major awards as a result of the voting organized by Onedio. As a result of the voting, Cemre Baysel was chosen as the best actress, Aytaç Şaşmaz the best actor, and #Aycem couple was chosen as the best TV series couple of the year.

The theme of Baht Oyunu was as follows: Once you believe that your luck is black, it is not easy to beat bad luck… However, Ada (Cemre Baysel), who grew up among women who believed that they would find happiness if they married the men they first fell in love with, and who could not achieve this, is just to put an end to it. She is about to put a stick in the wheel of fate… What happens, Ada is abandoned by Rüzgar (İdris Nebi Taşkan), whom she believes to be her first love. While Ada is trying to win Rüzgar back on her way to happiness, she meets Bora (Aytaç Şaşmaz). A difficult and romantic journey awaits Ada, who is stuck between her love and faith.