Series News Big question mark in Kardeşlerim series! Is the separation of Kadir and Melisa a tactic?

Big question mark in Kardeşlerim series! Is the separation of Kadir and Melisa a tactic?

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ATV’s series, Kardeşlerim, which has been going on with great success since last season, is going through great changes these days. The separation of the two very important characters of the series drew a great reaction from the audience. However, it remains to be seen whether this decision is a tactic to increase the show’s recent rating.

The series, Kardeşlerim, which started last winter, drew attention especially with its heavy drama content in the first season. Four siblings, who lost their parents one after another, were left alone in a slum and were struggling to survive. They were even surrounded by bad people.

Kadir, Ömer, Asiye and Emel brothers, who tried to survive in very difficult conditions at first, got their lives back on track over time, even though they still had a lot of difficulties. The second season of the series focused on the love relationships of the young actors.

Big question mark in Kardeşlerim series! Is the separation of Kadir and Melisa a tactic? 8

There are many young characters in the series, where the scenes are mainly in high school, and these characters gradually started to become a couple. While the bad characters fell in love with the good ones, Kardeşlerim, which came to the forefront with its drama, gradually became a production focusing on the love relationships between young people.

This situation attracted the attention of the loyal viewers of the series the most. The audience, who had always watched the tearful scenes in My Brothers, was now witnessing the relationships of young people more. Reacting to this situation, the audience stated that they wanted to see drama scenes in their series again.

Big question mark in Kardeşlerim series! Is the separation of Kadir and Melisa a tactic? 9

Then the big thing happened. The screenwriters, who gave the audience an unexpected development, decided to kill Kadir, the main character of the series. Kadir died, Halit Özgür Sarı, who portrayed him, left the series. Damlasu İkizoğlu, who played his girlfriend Melisa, also said goodbye to the series.

After Kadir’s death, the remaining three siblings are now waiting for a much bigger struggle. Because Kadir was the eldest of the family and their elder brother who protected and watched over them. With his death, the scenes full of pain and tears came back to Kardeşlerim, and the wish of the loyal viewers of the series came true. All these developments brought to mind whether Kadir’s death was a tactic.