Series News Brand new excitements begin for Berk Ali Çatal after Kardeşlerim series!

Brand new excitements begin for Berk Ali Çatal after Kardeşlerim series!


Berk Ali Çatal, who was born in 1995, made a very serious breakthrough in his career with Kardeşlerim series, which lasted for 4 seasons and was considered a great success story.

Berk Ali Çatal, who started his acting journey with Güneşin Kızları series in 2016, gained experience by appearing as a guest in different productions. The project that changed the life of Berk Ali Çatal, who carried the camera from a young age, was Kardeşlerim series.

The actor, who gained a wide fan base with the series in which he took part as Tolga between 2021 and 2024, is experiencing the bitterness of the project’s finale.

Berk Ali Çatal stated that they have been working very hard for 4 seasons and said the following:

“Our audience has always supported us since the day we started. We finished with very good ratings. Everything was great, it was enjoyable. Of course, we were sad, some things were sad for us. On the other hand, we are excited, we have new excitements. I have new meetings, I am excited.”

Berk Ali Çatal, who stated that he was very sad when Nilsu Yılmaz left the series, mentioned that there may be a possibility of taking part in a project with his lover again.

Berk Ali Çatal, who talked about his desire to take part in a theater play in the summer, added that he also experienced the excitement of new projects after Kardeşlerim series.