Famous actress Burçin Terzioğlu has been away from television series for a while. The actress made a big debut in the series Poyraz Karayel. The actress, who took the lead role with İlker Kaleli, then stayed on the screen for a short time in the TV series Kurşun. The life of Kurşun, which brought together the duo of Engin Altan Düzyatan and Burçin Terzioğlu, lasted only 6 episodes due to the ratings.
Although She made strong comebacks in the digital projects called Hakan Muhafız and Hükümsüz, many of her fans wanted to see the actress in a television project.
Returning to the screens after a long break, the actress plays the character of Deniz in the series Yalancı. This comeback decision of Terzioğlu made her fans very happy. After the first episode of the series was broadcast, there was an explosion of sharing on social media.
Successful actress Burçin Terzioğlu, who won the great appreciation of the audience with her performances in all the projects she took part in, gave an acting recital with her performance in the new series of “Yalancı”, the new series of Process Film, the first episode of which was published last night.
Burçin Terzioğlu, a successful actress who brings a completely different breath to every character she plays in every project she takes part in, left her mark on last night.
Terzioğlu, who collected thousands of praise-filled messages with her performance in the series “Yalancı”, the first episode of which started last night, took her place on TT lists for hours. In addition to Terzioğlu’s performance that deeply affected the audience, the series won the admiration of everyone with its plot, cast, editing and the success of the director.