Artists News Cem Gelinoğlu and Özge Özacar, the leading roles in the Kısmet series, got along very well on the set!

Cem Gelinoğlu and Özge Özacar, the leading roles in the Kısmet series, got along very well on the set!

Cem Gelinoğlu and Özge Özacar, who acted together in the movie called Bursu Bülbül and communicated well, now met in the lead roles in the Fox TV series Kısmet (Fortune).

The two actors are excited to reunite. The two young actors, who have a very good dialogue with each other on the set and want this to be reflected on the screen, are very satisfied with their situation.

The two leading actors, who showed a high energy on the set of the series Kısmet, which also attracted attention with its fun and romantic scenes, said that they got along very well on the set and got a good fit.

Cem Gelinoğlu said, “I was slipping on the set just now, Özge caught me.” Shortly after this event, Özge Özacar was going to fall this time, but her partner Cem Gelinoğlu saved her.

With these words, the two lead actors are very happy with the situation, who also stated that they got along very well with each other on the set.

Özge Özacar said, “His existence as a human is very precious to me. Even after we were done, that friendship remained. It was a great excitement for both of us,” she said.

Özge Özacar, who stated that this aspect is strong because she is involved in drama works, stated that her partner is more experienced in comedy works and thus they have the opportunity to complement each other.

Explaining that she was on the set with great confidence, Özge Özacar also said that she learned a lot from Cem Gelinoğlu on the set.

Cem Gelinoğlu praised his partner’s hard work and said, “Özge is a very hardworking girl. She has a very hardworking and constantly looking for something new feature that everyone is aware of.”