Artists News Ceren Moray, the worm was on that line years ago!

Ceren Moray, the worm was on that line years ago!

Series Turkish

Ceren Moray is preparing to return to the screen with Star TV’s new series Avlu, That Life is Mine hit a life stamp O life scrolls memorized with the character of the Efsun.

There is no one who knows the first project of Moray, who has been involved in other sequences before this sequence.

1985 Born in Diyarbakır, Ceren Moray has been involved in theater since she was a youngster. Moray is the only daughter of a civil servant. She is an actress trained at Pera Fine Arts and graduated from Haliç University Theater Department in 2009.

Ceren Moray, who admired her with her talent and her performance on the screen, convinced so much that she was a suburban girl so she is already curious to see her in another role.

In an interview with a newspaper, Ceren Moray explains that his childhood years have been a bit difficult: “My youthfulness was terrible. I turned into a duchess. My parents worked. I was the only child. I had to do everything alone. I was more melancholy when I found that world. ”

What line did he play years ago?

Moray said that he had difficulties in the first time about being a Diyarbakırlı. “I told Kastamonu, my mother who was directly from my mother when she asked” Where is she in primary school “? I did not speak Diyarbakır. I said it once. Those looks were very uncomfortable. Then I started to ignore people’s eyes. “I’m starting to look at” they are not my view, my situation is ridiculous. ”

It is hardly known that Ceren Moray took part in a series published in 2003, exactly 15 years ago. Levent Üzümcü, Müjde Ar, and the first screen experience of Moray.

Ceren Moray, who opened the way after this sequence, paused for a few years and completed his education and returned to the screen with the Su character in the That Life is Mine, but the series that brightened the original star was My Life

In the series Ceren Moray, who played the role of the episode and became the lead figure in the first episode, was attracted by his successful acting performance in a real sense.

The famous actor who portrays a suburban girl trying to adapt to a rich life on the line is also a big influence on the popularity of the directory.

Now it is anticipated that Ceren Moray, who will return to the screen with Star TV’s assertive series Avlu, will play in a role. Fans who are eager to see him on screen after the character of the eps will meet very soon.

How many life span in a courtyard?

Demon Evgar, Ceren Moray, Nursel Köse, Kenan Ece, Teoman Kumbaracıbaşı and Ruçhan Çalışkur are the main producers of the lemon film signed project. Yüksel Aksu, who made successful projects such as İftarlık Gazoz and Dondurmam Kaymak, is sitting on the chair of the project.

The publicity is about the introduction of a woman’s criminal home who has tried to secure the deceased justice for many years. These women, who have to give up their freedom of the “Avlu”, are involved in the struggle for survival against their own order and their own laws in Karakuyu, which is not reflected in the news on the third page,

With its powerful production, the story of the story touching and the master cast, the “Avlu” starts very soon in Star.