Profile Name: Emre Kinay Birthdate: March 5, 1970 Height: 181 cm
Notable Works 1999 Story of Snake (Yilan Hikayesi) (as Erkan) 1999 Father (Baba) (as Yildirim) 1999 Face Off (Yuzlesme) (as Kadir) 2001 Istanbul Seven Hills (Yedi Tepe Istanbul) (as Yusuf) 2002 Berivan (Berivan) (as Ferhat) 2003 Construction (Insaat) (as Ali) – the movie 2006-2008 Two Families (Ikı Aile) (as Oguz) 2009-2010 Head of Family (Aile Reisi) (as Nazim) 2009 I Saw the Sun (Gunesi Gordum) – the movie 2010-2011 Duruye’s Billycan (Duruye’nin Gugumleri) (as Zuhtu) 2014 Waiting for the Sun (Gunesi Beklerken) (as Cihan) 2014 Buddy Istanbul (Ulan Istanbul) (as Firuz) 2014 Once in Ten Years: Construction 2 (On Yilda Bir: Insaat 2) (as Ali) – the movie 2015 Daughters of Sun (Gunesin Kizlari) (as Haluk)