Artists News For Müjde Uzman, the Alev of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series, drama sets are harder than you think!

For Müjde Uzman, the Alev of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series, drama sets are harder than you think!

Kızılcık Şerbeti (Cranberry Sherbet), one of the most successful TV series of the season, was a project that left its mark on the agenda. In the story of the series, the character of Alev also came to the fore as a much-discussed character in the series.

Müjde Uzman entered into a new exit process in her career with the character of Alev. Alev character, whose scenes are eagerly awaited by many TV series fans, will be one of the defining names of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series in the second season.

Müjde Uzman’s return to the screens with this role has also caused curious sharing of her fans on social media and google. The actress gave information about the most curious subjects about herself in the program he attended on youtube.

Müjde Uzman stated that she was born in 1984 and is in her 38th birthday. The actress also explained that her nose is aesthetic.

Explaining that she was from Eskişehir but was born in Istanbul, Müjde Uzman said that she graduated from the Department of Public Relations. Explaining that she is a Libra, the actress also stated that she had her birthday tattooed on her body.

Referring to the searches made about her old ways, the actress said, “My old ways… It is something that everyone experiences. Only your photos are not that many, I have them,” she said.

Müjde Uzman stated that she was a citizen of the world and the rest was empty.

Expressing that presenting gives her more pleasure, Müjde Uzman said, “You talk as you want during work control, it’s a good thing.”

Mentioning that acting in the movie gives the actress more freedom, Müjde Uzman explained that the TV series are more difficult with the following words:

“You are more free in the movie, you can do it more diligently, taking longer time for a shorter time. Here is the most technical and most difficult series. That’s why the movie is more enjoyable.”