Series News Great love, great hatred!

Great love, great hatred!

Series Turkish

[The Oath] tv series recent developments

It is one of the most popular series in Turkey.

TolgaSaritas and AybukePusat share the mainstream.

It’s a story that your marriage of formality is gradually turning into love.

Soldier Yavuz’s great love Doctor Bahar …

The connection between them grows and they are happy to be in love with each other.

Their formality marriages are becoming more and more evident.

The attitude of Yavuz, played by TolgaSarıtas, and Bahar, played by AybukePusat is very impressive.

Yavuz’s jokes, those who watch for protection are very nice.

The Bahar character likes helpfulness and friendliness.

It turned out that Bahar’s father was a terrorist.

The problem is that Yavuz killed Bahar’s father.

Bahar learned it and love went out.