Series News Important decisions came together in the Kalp Yarası series!

Important decisions came together in the Kalp Yarası series!

Kalp Yarası series, broadcast on ATV, started in the summer and increased the number of viewers in September. Kalp Yarası, which shows that it will continue its strong performance in the winter period, attracts a lot of attention with its drama-filled story.

We observe that new decisions are taken one after the other for the series, which has millions of viewers on the screen. While the story of the series progressed strongly, the screenwriters decided to further strengthen the story with new characters.

After this decision, new names continue to participate in the series. Two new actors joined the cast of the series starring Gökhan Alkan, Yağmur Tanrısevsin and Merve Çağıran.

The first of these names was Zeynep Köse. Zeynep Köse, a graduate of Istanbul University State Conservatory, was born in 1985 and has shown her talents by taking part in different projects. Zeynep Köse, who is a guest actress for 5 episodes in the series, gives life to the Saadet nurse character.

A new character is coming to Kalp Yarası series. The name to portray this character was Bora Cengiz. According to the news of journalist Birsen Altuntaş, the famous actor will give life to a mysterious character in the series. It is also among the information that Bora Cengiz will appear before the audience in Kalp Yarası series from the 17th episode.