Series News In the Yalancı series, breaths were held before the finale, how will the story end?

In the Yalancı series, breaths were held before the finale, how will the story end?

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Arif learned all the facts in the episode of Show TV’s series Yalancı, which came to the screen last night. Breaths were held in the final scene where Arif points a gun at Mehmet Emir. Now the audience asks, “Will Arif kill Mehmet Emir?” eagerly waiting for the answer. It was decided to make the finale in the 10th episode of the series. It is eagerly awaited how the series, which will be screened for the last time on the evening of 23 November, will end with a finale. The events in the 9th episode before the final also increased the excitement.

In the 9th episode of Yalancı, which was broadcast last night, Mehmet Emir kidnapped Yasemin and forced Deniz out to dinner by threatening Yasemin. Photos of Deniz and Mehmet Emir at dinner leaked to social media. Seeing the images, Canan could not hide the truth any longer from Arif. Arif pointed a gun at Mehmet Emir after what he learned.


Mehmet Emir, who learned that Canan had woken up, made a new plan so that the truth would not come out. Mehmet Emir, who sent his own psychologist to meet with Canan, tried every way to silence Canan. The suicide letter Canan left fell into the hands of Görkem. Learning this, Mehmet Emir took the letter from Görkem with a little trick.


Mehmet Emir, who learned that Deniz was going to leave Saklışehir, kidnapped Yasemin to stop him. Mehmet Emir, who kidnapped Yasemin and put it in the trunk of his car, filmed these moments and made Deniz watch it. Deniz had to stay to save Yasemin. Not only that, Mehmet Emir threatened Deniz and forcibly took him out to dinner.