Series News It’s been a long time since the TV series Hercai, but its success continues

It’s been a long time since the TV series Hercai, but its success continues

Hercai TV series, starring Akın Akınözü and Ebru Şahin, has become one of the most important projects of the Turkish TV series industry.

The Hercai series, which featured two young actors and enabled them to experience a sudden career leap, managed to impress a wide audience with its strong drama story.

The broadcast of the series, which lasted 3 seasons, in many countries around the world, was also a part of the success. Even though years have passed, new successes are being added to the successes of the Hercai series.

It was announced that the series will meet the audience on Canela TV, which is broadcast in Spanish in the United States, starting from November.

As it is known, there are a large number of people from Latin American countries who immigrate to the United States to start a new life.

The fact that this audience, defined as Hispanic, watches Turkish TV series a lot also attracts the attention of broadcast platforms.

For this reason, it is not surprising that the Hercai series, with its strong story and good acting performances, has achieved successful results on the new broadcast platform.