Artists News Kardeşlerim series is like a school, and now Elif Ulusoy has a great chance!

Kardeşlerim series is like a school, and now Elif Ulusoy has a great chance!

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Elif Ulusoy is the newcomer to the story as the Canan of the TV series Kardeşlerim. For the young actress, this means a great opportunity…

Kardeşlerim series, which is broadcast on ATV on Saturday evenings, is a very effective series. Experienced actors and young names coexist in the story. This allows young players to better observe together with strong actors and learn new information to improve themselves.

Kardeşlerim series has become like a school for young names. The young actors, who learn new information from the masters, also perform well in the story and are appreciated by a large fan base on social media.

Now Elif Ulusoy will use this important opportunity. Elif Ulusoy, who participated in the series as Canan, the roommate of Cemile character played by Nilsu Yılmaz, is still at the beginning of her career.

Born in 1977 in Izmir, the actress graduated from Istanbul Technical University. Elif Ulusoy, who appeared on the set for her first TV series, is faced with one of the most important opportunities of her life. The performance of the actress is eagerly awaited.