The famous actor Kerem Bürsin has been talked about a lot recently, especially with his travels to Spain. The actor gained a large fan base after the TV series “Sen Çal Kapımı” (Love is in the Air) was broadcast in this country. The actor, who attended the festival in Malaga in the past weeks and met with his fans there, also attracted great attention from the Spanish media.
Kerem Bürsin, who met Spanish actor Antonio Banderas at the festival and later joined his party as a guest, started to establish a new friendship environment for himself from Spain. In this way, the actor, who is often on the agenda, is rapidly increasing his popularity.
The news about the love affair with the Peruvian actress Stefanie Cayo, whom the actor met while in Spain, was also reflected in the tabloids in Turkey. After the end of the love that started with Hande Erçel in the series, the news that the actor had a love affair with Peruvian Stefanie Cayo surprised his fans.
Kerem Bürsin was asked about these news. The actor said that there are more important issues than his private life. Kerem Bürsin, who did not confirm that such a love was taking place, admitted that they had met and said the following:
“There is no need to go into those issues. We need to change our mindset on this issue. The immediate love news is false. People meet. Talking about my private life bothers me. There are so many important things on our agenda that need to be talked about right now. This is not it. There are big and serious events in our country, in the world. My private life doesn’t matter to them.”
Kerem Bürsin made an important confession in his statement at the event he attended. Kerem Bürsin, who tried to act in the USA before coming to Turkey in 2012, said that he had problems because of his name.
“I had problems with my name abroad. When he wanted to be an actor in America, they said, “Why don’t you change your name?” I had to struggle to hold on to my Turkish identity.”
Stating that the name Kerem is a very different name for them and they could not say his name many times, the actor said that he had been having trouble since his childhood because his name could not be pronounced correctly abroad.