Artists News Kivanc Tatlitug and Silver’s Songul Oden are still not eating this!

Kivanc Tatlitug and Silver’s Songul Oden are still not eating this!

Series Turkish

The Silver series, which gained great acclaim in the Arab countries, ended years ago, but the influence is still going on.

Songul Oden, who starred in Silver with Kivanc Tatlitug, said television was a powerful weapon.

In his panel, Songul Oden, who mentions the first series to be launched in the world among the Turkish series, is silver, and he told us that our series has spread to the world.

Explaining that he could not believe the excitement of his trip to Dubai, Oden was surprised that he did not know much about the private life of people abroad.

Oden, “My fans there ask me, ‘What are you doing for women’s rights?’ Serial publication of our country that Turkey does not recognize enough.

I care most about cultural interaction in this journey. I believe there will be no wars if we get to know each other. In the majority of the countries we go to in Europe, they think we are bedridden. Television is a very powerful weapon, not a place to be underestimated. “