Artists News Leaving the troubled days behind, Serenay Sarıkaya sailed to a new excitement!..

Leaving the troubled days behind, Serenay Sarıkaya sailed to a new excitement!..

Famous actress Serenay Sarıkaya had a fearful moment with a harassment incident in front of her house recently. The actress, who was harassed by a person who attacked the vehicle she was riding with her driver, was greatly affected by this incident.

Serenay Sarıkaya, who complained about the attacker, said that this person, who kicked her car in front of the site where she was sitting in Istanbul, made heavy swearing and threats, had previously acted against her in a similar way.

Serenay Sarıkaya, who left behind the terrible event she experienced, returned to her intense work tempo. The beautiful actress is currently having exciting and busy days due to the re-stage of Alice Musical, in which she plays the leading role.

In her staff; Together with Serenay Sarıkaya, the rehearsals of the musical, which included Ezgi Mola, Enis Arıkan, Şükrü Özyıldız, İbrahim Selim and Merve Dizdar, started. Serenay Sarıkaya also shared photos from her rehearsal moments on her Instagram account.

Alice Musical will meet the audience again on February 7, when it opens the curtain for the first time after a long hiatus. Rehearsing intensely, the team is very excited.

Written by Lewis Carroll and translated into 174 languages ​​to date, “Alice in Wonderland”, one of the unique works of literature, is getting ready to take its place on the stage again as a contemporary musical adaptation with the direction of Serdar Biliş and the choreography of Beyhan Murphy.

The musical, in which Serenay Sarıkaya appeared before the audience as ‘Alice’, will meet with the audience once again at Zorlu PSM Turkcell Stage, which hosts giant productions of world stages, co-produced by Zorlu PSM and id.

On February 7, a fascinating stage show awaits the audience with its huge stage production, impressive visual effects, unique costumes, music and talented cast!