Series News Listen to the secret of the success of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series from Doğukan Güngör!

Listen to the secret of the success of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series from Doğukan Güngör!


The duo of Sıla Türkoğlu and Doğukan Güngör had a successful partnership process in the TV series Kızılcık Şerbeti (Cranberry Sherbet).

The first season of the series has been completed, but the fact that the characters of Fatih and Doğa have successfully reflected different emotions to the audience remains a great success. Fans of the series are already looking forward to the start of the second season. The actors of the series, which took a summer break, continue their holidays.

Fans of the series, who are very curious about the process of Fatih and Doğa characters in the second season of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series, continue to bring the success of the two actors to the agenda with their posts on social media.

Doğukan Güngör went through an intense period in the series of Kızılcık Şerbeti, where he had the best break in his career. The actor said, “This intense pace, working environment and good communication between the team is very special and enjoyable to watch and to be seen by the public.”

Doğukan Güngör, who thinks that the reason behind the success of the series is that it is based on a true story, said that when he first read the script, he understood that it would definitely find a response in the public.

Explaining that he saw parts of his own life in this series, the actor said that the audience also found something from themselves and that telling a true story makes them happy.

Explaining that telling a living story is the key to success, the actor thinks that the reason why the series is so popular is that the audience finds many things from themselves in the story.