Artists News MuratDalkılıç and HandeErçel love again

MuratDalkılıç and HandeErçel love again


Famous singer MuratDalkılıç and actress HandeErçel’s love flared up again lend HandeErçel, who lost her mother AylinErçel because of cancer, made a return to the screen with ‘Halka’ series.

HandeErçel, who has a great affinity with MuratDalkılıç during her difficult period, renews love again. The allegations that MuratDalkılıç did not leave HandeErçel even for a moment were on the magazine’s agenda.

The couple who reconsidered their relationship, had recently decided to reconcile.

MuratDalkılıç’s vehicle, spoken with his lover HandeErçel in the backstage of the magazines, was viewed in the car park of her home on the uphill of HandeErçel.

The fact that the vehicle was not leaving the car park for hours was a little bit stronger than the allegations that the singer sitting in Çubuklu had settled in the player’s house.