Series News Now TV is late for the TV series Yabani, the ratings indicate an impasse!

Now TV is late for the TV series Yabani, the ratings indicate an impasse!

Series Turkish

In the 2023-2024 TV series season, where the Yabani TV series had a very good start on Tuesday evenings, everything was reversed when the Show TV series called Bahar started broadcasting on the same day.

As a result of the Bahar series attracting the audience like a magnet, all rival series suffered serious ratings losses. The TV series titled Yabani, broadcast on Now TV, also suffered serious losses due to this development.

Changing the day of the TV series Yabani, which was rapidly losing its audience support, to Saturday evenings was a strong move. However, since it was a delayed move, the recovery of the Yabani TV series is not that easy.

Even if the ratings of the series increase, it seems doubtful how much this will convince Now TV officials to stay on the screen for another season.

Fans of the series, who want the duo of Halit Özgür Sarı and Simay Barlas to continue on the screen with an impressive story with high emotional intensity, are wondering about the fate of the Yabani project.

The rising ratings in the 33rd episode, broadcast last Saturday evening, both among all individuals and ABC1 groups, further increased the audience’s hopes for the second season.

Although the ratings are starting to approach average rates, this does not mean that the ratings of the series will be good in the next season.

Now TV officials have revealed with their decisions in past seasons that they generally do not like to take risks and that they are not very willing to continue a project with below-average ratings.

Fans of the Yabani series are wondering whether there will be a second season or not. You can find this dilemma happening on social media in the comments of the viewers.