Artists News Oktay Çubuk doesn’t rap anymore after acting!

Oktay Çubuk doesn’t rap anymore after acting!


Oktay Çubuk and Bahar Şahin are in the lead roles in the series called Duran, which will be broadcast on the Gain platform on January 11th. While the series was eagerly awaited, both actors were guests of the Dayı Şov in Gain.

Saying that there is a rap group called S14, Oktay Çubuk said, “Rap has become very popular now, I don’t do it”. However, upon requests, the actor sang an impromptu rap song praising the drama “Duran” on the live broadcast.

Talking about the TV series named Duran, Çubuk spoke as follows for the new series: “Duran is actually a job about young people who have hope, trying to get their lives back on track, in despair and desperation. It is a job that also carries a social message.”

Explaining that there was fight and noise in the TV series Duran, but they revealed the situation of young people who want to succeed, Oktay Çubuk mentioned that he had been training for 6 weeks while preparing for his role.