Series News Perihan Savaş, Hatice Şendil and Sera Kutlubey! Three famous women in the same series!

Perihan Savaş, Hatice Şendil and Sera Kutlubey! Three famous women in the same series!


Fox TV had to cancel 8 of the series it broadcast this season before the end of the season. Some series lasted as short as 5 episodes, some took a little longer, but Mahkum (Prisoner) was the best series to debut. Yasak Elma (Forbidden Apple) is also very successful with its fifth season and will continue in its sixth season.

Kapımdaki Düşman (The enemy at my door) series, which is being prepared by Medyapım, the producer of the Yasak Elma series, will soon meet with the audience on the Fox TV screen. The series has a remarkable story and 3 actresses stand out… The male lead of the series, which will be led by the trio of Perihan Savaş, Hatice Şendil and Sera Kutlubey, is İsmail Demirci.

Perihan Savaş, who impresses with the characters of Sultan in Çukur and Cavidan in Elkızı this season, stands out as the most striking female actress in the new series. However, she does not like her son-in-law Doruk at all and puts up with her for family unity.

In addition to the conflict between Şahika and Doruk, Ceyda’s betrayal will also be an important part of the story. However, the character of Damla, played by Sera Kutlubey, will cause 3 women to come face to face.

Damla, Ceyda’s next-door neighbor and friend, is actually the enemy at her door… Because Doruk and Damla have a secret love…

What will happen between the trio of Şahika, Ceyda and Damla will bring the three female characters to the fore. İsmail Demirci, on the other hand, will draw attention with his male position in the middle of 3 women as the leading male actor.

Murat Öztürk, who previously directed the TV series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir (Your Home Your Destiny) and Yasak Elma and directed Aşk Mantık İntikam (Love Logic Revenge) this season, started working on the new series. Good editing and visuals are expected from the successful director.