Series News The power of love in Our Story tv series!

The power of love in Our Story tv series!


Filiz-Barış / Our Story

FOX TV’s favorite tv series Barış and Filiz are now lovers of our Story …

Filiz, the distressed family and the one who had to take care of her life struggle with her brothers and sisters, was always the only one to hold on to since the beginning.

Even though the situation was good, Barış, who pushes his rich life against his hand because of the troubles he experienced, almost adored Filiz.

Mutual mistakes were greatly hurt by the marriage of Cemil to Filiz’s brothers and sisters who continued their relationship with their support.

After Filiz’s mother entered the room between our lovers who gathered afterwards and were ready to forget all the bad days, Filiz could not divorce Cemil.

The couple who came to the point of breaking the relationship between all these developments is one of the followers’ favorites …

Hazal Kaya plays the character of Filiz.
Burak Deniz plays the character of Barış…

Video: Filiz and Barış’s kissing scene: