Artists News Psychological harassment to Aslıhan Gürbüz, which was reflected at the same time as the Masumlar Apartmanı!

Psychological harassment to Aslıhan Gürbüz, which was reflected at the same time as the Masumlar Apartmanı!

Famous actress Aslıhan Gürbüz participated in the TV series Masumlar Apartmanı, the story of which she liked very much and shared on social media before. The actress also started to gain an important place in the story with the Ceylan character he played.

The arrival of the actress, who started to appear in the series as the old love of the character of Han, played by Birkan Sokullu, also pleased his fans. The actress, who stepped into the sets with the Kırmızı Oda last season, took a break from the series in 2018 due to health problems.

Fans who see Aslıhan Gürbüz on the screen are very pleased with this situation. During the period when the actress participated in a series with high psychological depth, she also faced psychological harassment on social media.

Stating that someone has been hacking her closest friends, mother and siblings for months, the actress surprised everyone with her social media post.

Aslıhan Gürbüz said, “There is a cucumber trying to reach me. Baby, if I’m your problem, why don’t you try another way? Why are you haunting people?” he texted.

With this message, it was also revealed that Gürbüz faced psychological harassment on social media.

The actress states that she deleted the messages she received without reading them. Aslıhan Gürbüz uses social media extensively and announced this harassment on social media.