The Bandits series, which has been broadcasted on ATV screens for 5 seasons, is one of the productions that left a mark in the sector. For the 6th season of the series, which starred Oktay Kaynarca, the team will soon gather and begin shooting.
Due to the quarantine process applied due to the pandemic, a separation information came from the team of the series, which received reactions. Selda Alkor, who participated in the series with the character of Melike Meftun, announced that she will not appear in the 6th season.
The master actress told the cameras in a shopping center that she was not in the new season and said: “There is a nice set environment, it is a seated series, but 13 episodes were enough for me. I will not be highly likely in the new season. If I go back to the sets, the duration of the project should be short. ”
The 76-year-old master actress gave life to the villain character in the series. She had signed a 13-episode deal and this deal ended.
Selda Alkor had previously said why she accepted the role in the following statement: “I had 13 episodes with that drama. This was a bit of a job to try myself. I have always played the good woman for so many years, I said “Let me play the bad and see how it will be”, it can happen .. “