Series News Sen Çal Kapımı series, was on the agenda of CNN Brazil!

Sen Çal Kapımı series, was on the agenda of CNN Brazil!


We continue to hear surprising news every day about Sen Çal Kapımı (Love is in the Air), which has achieved great success in the world. The new news is from another South American country. Sen Çal Kapımı series became a hot topic on the news channel CNN Brazil.

The TV series “Sen Çal Kapımı”, which has been broadcast in more than 80 countries and brought the leading actors Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin to worldwide fame, continues to be on the agenda abroad. An interesting news about the TV series, which broke records in South American countries, came from Brazil.

Accordingly, the Sen Çal Kapımı series became the topic of the agenda on CNN, one of the world’s most important news TV channels, broadcasting in Brazil. In the program called En Alta, which was broadcast on the channel, the success of the Sen Çal Kapımı series, which started to be broadcast on HBO Max Latin America a while ago, was mentioned. At the same time, the story of the series was mentioned.

The records that Sen Çal Kapımı series broke on Youtube are also increasing. The series, which surprised with its viewing rates, also achieved great success on YouTube.

The YouTube channel opened on behalf of Sen Çal Kapımı reached 2.7 million subscribers. While the first episode of the series, shared a year ago, was watched 40 million times, it also achieved the success of being the most watched TV series on YouTube in 2020.

“Sen Çal Kapımı” is the most watched TV series in Latin American countries. The Sen Çal Kapımı series, which started broadcasting on HBO Max’s Latin America channel a short time ago, was so successful in Latin American countries that it managed to win the first place among the 10 most watched TV series.

Sen Çal Kapımı series also made the leading actors the most influential names of social media. Hande Erçel managed to surpass even Hollywood celebrities and the most famous singers of the world with her number of followers exceeding 28 million on Instagram. The number of followers of Kerem Bürsin also exceeded 10 million.