Artists News Şükrü Özyıldız’s favorite role has been revealed!

Şükrü Özyıldız’s favorite role has been revealed!

Series Turkish

Famous actor Şükrü Özyıldız was the guest of İbrahim Selim’s program on youtube. Şükrü Özyıldız, who was connected to the program at his home, explained how the quarantine days passed. The actor, who played the Alice musical before the coronavirus, explained that he was good and tried to survive psychologically.

Şükrü Özyıldız said, “I am looking for new challenges for myself. I am moving a lot of things at home. I asked for cleaning. I sweep myself, everywhere.I’m trying to get the dust. I even swept the ceiling, ” he said.

He said that she also likes to cook at home. Stating that he has spent a lot of time in the past 2 weeks, Şükrü Özyıldız also makes his own bread at home. Stating that he has started to gain weight because he has been eating excessively for the last 10 days, the actor said, “I do not normally eat but I am eating bread right now. I made my own yeast. Then it is even more delicious.”

Şükrü Özyıldız said he did not have any aesthetics. The actor explained that there was a childhood accident on his lip and he wanted to wipe him off. Özyıldız stated that technology has not developed and could not have done in this regard.

The actor explained that he loved Zarok in the film Cute and Dangerous among the roles he has played so far. The movie was made in 2015. Şükrü Özyıldız and Ayça Ayşin Turan took the lead role.

Stating that the character has a very beautiful story, the actor recommended the movie to everyone. “It’s a very funny character. I enjoyed it so much while playing that character,” he said.

He, who criticized the magazine press, said that he was uncomfortable with the fact that this sentence was brought forward by taking a sentence, not the entire statement.

Explaining that he has many mistakes that he has regretted until today, Şükrü Özyıldız said, “I am also making mistakes. I will have serious regret. I do not have an active regret right now, “he said.