Artists News The health status of Kadir İnanır remains serious!

The health status of Kadir İnanır remains serious!


A new explanation came about Kadir İnanır’s recent situation. Kadir İnanır, one of the living legends of Turkish cinema, has recently been hospitalized. When his throat was detected in his brain, he was immediately taken to surgery and then his health condition was explained.

It was announced that a stent was attached to one of the clogged vessels of the Turkish cinema’s master name Kadir İnanır and a second operation would be performed for the other.

The second surgery will perform Prof. Dr. Ergun Demirsoy answered the questions of journalists in an event organized in Ataşehir the previous day.


Demirsoy talked about the risks of the second operation scheduled for next week: “We have detected serious damage to the brain that led to the brain in the surveillance we performed. Then I will clean that vessel so that I will not have a stroke risk. However, there is a risk of paralysis during the operation because it is a vein leading to the brain. That’s why we need to be very careful, but we will do it in the best possible way. All preparations were made before surgery. We sent Kadir Inanır  to his house to rest, we will perform the surgery next week “