Series News The leading role of the Kötü Kan series, Ertan Saban, is returning to the screen with his new image!

The leading role of the Kötü Kan series, Ertan Saban, is returning to the screen with his new image!


Ertan Saban fans are eagerly waiting for the new season to start. As of September, the series that television channels are preparing are expected to start airing one by one.

Details have also begun to emerge from the shooting of the Kötü Kan series prepared for the Now television channel, which is considered one of the most important productions of the 2024-2025 season.

The shooting of his new project “Kötü Kan”, produced by NTC Medya and produced by Mehmet Yiğit Alp, has begun.

Ertan Saban last shared the leading role with Devrim Özkan in the television series Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi, and the duo attracted great attention. Ertan Saban, who will return to the sets after a long break from this project, will this time partner with Damla Sönmez.

“Kötü Kan”, which has taken its place among the most ambitious projects of the season with its impressive story as well as its strong cast, is preparing to gather the audience in front of the screen with its gripping script that blends action and drama.

The story of the series, starring Ertan Saban and Damla Sönmez, is also very interesting.

The script of the series, directed by M. Çağatay Tosun, is written by Barış Erdoğan and İlker Arslan.

“Kötü Kan” will bring together the audience with the former police officer Kartal, who got into trouble with a dangerous mafia group while working as the security manager of a nightclub, and when he moves in with his children who have been living far away for years, he tries to escape the mafia quagmire he has been involved in, and on the other hand, he tries to be a father to his children.

The cast of the series also includes the following names:

“Hüseyin Avni Danyal, Levent Ülgen, Savaş Özdemir, Sermet Yeşil, Mert Doğan, Gökçe Özyol, Tolga Güleç, Gonca Sarıyıldız, Alayça Öztürk, Murat Göçmez, Ziya Kürküt, Halil İbrahim Kurum, Deniz Bolışık, Meltem Gülenç, Nazlı Senem Ünal, Mina Koyuncular, Doğa Karakaş, Bilgesu Kural, Hakan Vanlı, Cihat Parıltı, Merve Sevin, Bekir Erdem Öz, Mutluhan Kasap.”