The new series of Fox TV, called the Hayatımın Şansı (Chance of My Life), continues on its way with successful ratings on Wednesday evenings. The second-episode ratings, which were above average for all individuals and ABC1 groups, lit the glimmer of hope even more strongly.
The series, in which Şifanur Gül and Alican Yücesoy took the leading roles, attracted more attention than expected, as the story began to unfold. The choice of Şifanur Gül as the leading actress in Hayatımın Şansı, which was nominated to be the most surprise series of this season, also made a difference.
The young actress has already found support from a large fan base on social media with her sympathy and successful performance. The audience reaction to the series, which tells about a mother’s struggle with difficulties, also seems very positive.
Commenting on the social media comments, “The story took shape in the second episode, the ratings will rise even higher,” the viewers of the series describe Hayatımın Şansı as the surprise series of this season.
Appreciating Şifanur Gül’s success, the audience was also greatly impressed by the experienced cast.
While Alican Yücesoy returned to television projects after a long hiatus, he embraced the series with the successful performances of actors such as Musa Uzunlar, Erkan Avcı, İlkez Kızmaz, Kemal Uçar, Neslihan Arslan, Açelya Devrim Yılhan.
Şifanur Gül, who plays the character of Yonca, especially the natural talent of reflecting the emotion of the character to the audience, was appreciated by the audience on social media.