Artists News The partnership of Simay Barlas and Murat Yıldırım is over before you can get enough of it!

The partnership of Simay Barlas and Murat Yıldırım is over before you can get enough of it!

Series Turkish

Aziz series, the partnership between Murat Yıldırım and Simay Barlas has come to an end. It was very curious how the Aziz series, which attracted the attention with its successful debut on the Show TV screen in the first season, would continue with the story in the second season. Because at the end of the first season, the story had come to the point of completion. This situation worries the audience, but in the second season, there was an expectation that it would continue on its way with a much different story setup.

However, after the decision of screenwriter Eylem Canpolat, who did not want to write the script of the Aziz series, the work for the new story order did not turn out to be positive. It was revealed by the statements that neither the production team, the Show TV management nor the lead actor Murat Yıldırım were satisfied with the new story order.

Murat Yıldırım, by giving the message that it would be better to end this way than to experience a great defeat in the second season, actually made an effort to make a valid statement to the fans of the Aziz series.

Of course, it is a very uncomfortable situation for a series that has influenced millions of viewers to end abruptly without even the finale. And if there is a situation where Simay Barlas and Murat Yıldırım have had such a successful partnership process, the completion of such a project is even more painful.

In the Aziz series, the emotional states, beliefs and goals of the characters Efnan and Aziz, which affect the audience, came to the fore. The story, which took place in the 1930s, was about the process just before Hatay’s accession to the Republic of Turkey. For this reason, it was expected that the Aziz series, which activates national feelings, will continue on its way with an even greater spirit in the second season.

At this point, it was possible for Simay Barlas and Murat Yıldırım to influence the fans even more as a series couple and to join the series legends. However, when the second season scenario of the Aziz series was not liked, a sudden final decision was made. This situation depressed the morale of a large audience, who were most captivated by the characters Efnan and Aziz.

For those who find Murat Yıldırım and Simay Barlas very successful, who think that they fit in well and that their energies are very pleasant, the fact that the Aziz series will make a final created a more painful situation.

It is not known whether these two will reunite in the future, but a series of partnerships, which the audience enjoyed, fell victim to scenario problems.