Series News The punishment given to the Kızılcık Şerbeti series stopped the fall of the Yalı Çapkını series!

The punishment given to the Kızılcık Şerbeti series stopped the fall of the Yalı Çapkını series!

The fact that the Kızılcık Şerbeti (Cranberry Sherbet) series was not on the screen for two consecutive episodes may have caused the loss of a part of its viewers… We can tell the first traces of this situation by looking at the ratings of the 23rd episode broadcast on Friday, April 28. The suspension of the broadcast of 5 episodes imposed by the Radio and Television Supreme Council on the allegation that the series legitimizes violence against women, was applied for 2 weeks in a row. However, after the stay of execution decision from the court, it was possible for the series to be screened on Friday evening.

When we look at the ratings of the 23rd episode of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series, it is seen that there is a serious loss in all audience groups. With this loss in the AB and ABC1 groups of the series, double-digit rates have also disappeared. However, the series, which was able to achieve much better rates than its rival Yalı Çapkını (Golden Boy) in these two groups, did not lose the first place. However, the situation is very different in the category of all persons.

The Yalı Çapkını, who was broadcast on Star TV and obviously lost the audience while Kızılcık Şerbeti was on the rise, managed to recover the situation after the punishment given to his opponent. Especially in the category of all people, it was a very important indicator that the Yalı Çapkını series re-entered the 11 ratings on the evening of April 28. The Yalı Çapkını, who only experienced a slight decrease in the AB group, also showed an increase in the ABC1 group.

It’s not a big deal for Yalı Çapkını to be second in AB and ABC1 groups. Because the important thing was that after achieving double-digit rates in all categories for a long time, it suddenly lost its audience and this process could not be stopped. At this very point, the Radio and Television Supreme Council’s punishment for Kızılcık Şerbeti and the fact that this production was not on the screen for 2 episodes, the loss of audience interest in the Yalı Çapkını series stopped at a moment.

Will Kızılcık Şerbeti be able to hit double-digit ratings again? What kind of ratings will the Yalı Çapkını achieve in all audience groups in the coming weeks? These are the questions that will be followed closely next week.