Series News The ratings of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series are increasing, their opponents are losing one by one!

The ratings of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series are increasing, their opponents are losing one by one!


It is considered as an important development that the third episode of the Show TV series, Kızılcık Şerbeti (Cranberry Sherbet), which continues to meet with the audience on the Show TV screen on Friday evenings, experienced a very good increase in ratings.

The story of the series, in which the duo of Sıla Türkoğlu and Doğukan Güngör stood out, impressed a wide audience. The series, which was upset by getting low ratings with its first episode, received a little more attention in the second episode, and this interest increased even more in the third episode.

With the marriage of a young woman who grew up in a secular family to a young man who grew up in a conservative family, the important changes in the lives of families from two different cultures are revealed in the series Kızılcık Şerbeti. The team was very pleased that the ratings of the third episode, in which cultural conflicts were highlighted, were very good.

The drama, which ranked 10th in the all-person category and still received below-average ratings, ranked fourth in the AB group and fifth in ABC1. This jump, especially in AB and ABC1 groups, was an indication of the increasing interest of the audience.

The Yalı Çapkını series continues to prove its success by winning first place in all categories and reaching double-digit ratings.

Other TV series on Friday night; The projects named Kasaba Doktoru (Town Doctor), Yalnız Kurt (Lone Wolf) and İyilik (Goodness) fell far behind their competitors. In Arka Sokaklar (Back Streets), on the other hand, despite the average rates achieved in the category of all persons, some problems occurred. It is said that the shooting was interrupted for a long time due to the payment problems in the series.