The series titled Şahane Hayatım (My Magnificent Life), broadcast on Fox TV, starring Onur Tuna and Hilal Altınbilek, managed to impress a wide audience on Wednesday evenings. The changes in the scenario in the new episodes of the series continue to attract great attention.
At one point in the TV series Şahane Hayatım, the ratings began to decline after the story failed to produce the desired excitement, and the loyal viewers of the series gradually began to abandon the project.
However, after the production team quickly grasped the situation and the change made in the script group, the TV series Şahane Hayatım literally had a great chance for the second time.
In the last few weeks, the ratings have returned to good levels and the excitement has gradually increased. The TV series Şahane Hayatım, which has seen a recovery with the positive comments made on social media regarding the story of the series, continues to be a good alternative for Wednesday evenings.
One of the positive developments was that master actors such as Ece Uslu and Cansel Elçin started to find a place in the story of the series, which has high potential.
The positive change that started with screenwriter Yılmaz Şahin’s take on the story is expected to continue in the coming weeks.
As the intrigue increases, the excitement of the series also increases. The ratings of the series, whose 11th episode was completed on the evening of January 17, were also very remarkable.
The series, which premiered with its 11th episode, was well above average and achieved strong ratings in all audience groups. Another important detail was the increase in viewers in all categories.
The series, which ranked third in all categories and AB groups with its 11th episode, finished the day in fourth place on ABC1. These results also show that the audience gave the TV series Şahane Hayatım a second chance.