Series News The series Sen Çal Kapımı is not on the screen, but Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin love news is pushing the summit!

The series Sen Çal Kapımı is not on the screen, but Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin love news is pushing the summit!

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It was not known in those days that the Sen Çal Kapımı series, which started to appear on Fox TV last summer, would be on the agenda so much. In the meantime, although the series did not get as high as the summer season, it has become an indispensable series!

The series, which continued to air on Saturday evenings with the change of days throughout the season, had a season break a few weeks ago. Instead of preparing a new summer series in the summer season, Fox TV decided to continue the series Sen Çal Kapımı, which has an existing and guaranteed rating, its audience has become entrenched, and does not fall from the agenda of the social media with the fans of Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin.

The shooting, which has been taking for about 10 months, was suspended for a while. Shooting is expected to begin at the end of May. In June, the series is expected to be screened with new surprises.

Right after the season finale with its 39th episode, which came to the screen on Saturday, April 17, the agenda returned to them when it was revealed that the leading roles Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin, whose love rumors have been going on since the first day, were on vacation together in the Maldives!

In a few weeks after the season finale of the series, they managed to get to the top of the agenda with the news of “they live in love”. The two did not make a statement on this matter. Considering that Hande Erçel was in the Maldives with her older sister, brother-in-law and niece Mavi, we will see in the following days, whether it was a love affair from the holiday where the two actors went to rest and pose together, or were they all trying to create a covered social media agenda …

The two actors, who took the wind with these rumors behind them, never came together when they returned to Turkey! Or nobody saw it because they didn’t share their poses together! Regardless of the result, this work completely worked for Sen Çal Kapımı!

The interest in the series did not decrease, making the expectation of the new season more exciting. Of course, there would be another consequence of so much talk! That is the “most” table revealed in social media measurements.

In the “Most Popular Couples” survey determined by the social media measurement service Somera according to the number of messages received in April, the Sen Çal Kapımı couple Eda and Serkan ranked 3rd despite not being on the screen in the last two weeks of the month!

Here is that table …