Artists News The set surprise of Aytaç Şaşmaz for his girlfriend Cemre Baysal has a strong meaning!

The set surprise of Aytaç Şaşmaz for his girlfriend Cemre Baysal has a strong meaning!


The Baht Oyunu series, which was broadcast on Kanal D last season, maybe didn’t last as long as expected, but its effect still continues. The fans of the series, who loved the characters of Ada and Bora and made them look good on each other, were not surprised at the love of the two lead actors. Aytaç Şaşmaz and Cemre Baysel first became partners and then lovers.

The love of the famous couple, which caused the Baht Oyunu series to be included in the unforgettable summer series, still continues… Aytaç Şaşmaz and Cemre Baysel have intense feelings for each other and always support each other as on the first day.

The two actors, who have become the center of attention with their shares in the social media environment, continue to climb the career ladder. Cemre Baysel will return to the screens with the TV series titled Senden Daha Güzel (More Beautiful than You), whose first episode will be broadcast on Tuesday, June 7th.

Cemre Baysel, who shared the lead role with Burak Çelik, chose to continue on her path with romantic comedy productions by choosing a summer drama again.

Aytaç Şaşmaz, on the other hand, surprised his lover Cemre Baysel, who was experiencing great excitement and seeing him in a new intensity. The young actor, who visited the set of the series and surprised his lover, both wished success and attracted the attention of the audience who were eagerly waiting for the series.

Aytaç Şaşmaz, who also promoted the series, drew attention with the message, “An amazing job is coming, I hope it will be good luck and long-term… May the best always be yours, Cemre Baysel”.

While Cemre Baysel shared a caravan selfie, it was evident from the facial expressions of the couple that their love was still as hot as the first day.