Series News The situation of the TV series Bambaşka Biri is very similar to Ya Çok Seversen, which had an early finale!

The situation of the TV series Bambaşka Biri is very similar to Ya Çok Seversen, which had an early finale!

It did not go unnoticed that the Fox TV series called Bambaşka Biri (Another Love) received good results at first, but later experienced a decrease in ratings.

However, even though the situation of the series in terms of ratings has not been very bright in recent weeks, it must be said that there have been significant successes in terms of both foreign sales, marketing success and the intense interest of buyers abroad in the series.

In this respect, there seems to be a similarity with the TV series Ya Çok Seversen (If You Love), which created great excitement at the beginning of the summer.

The TV series Ya Çok Seversen, starring Kerem Bürsin and Hafsanur Sancaktutan, came with a huge promotional campaign and took social media by storm.

Foreign buyers were also intensely interested in the series, but as a result of domestic viewers not liking the story of the series enough, an early ending was inevitable.

Even having a world-wide influential actor like Kerem Bürsin in the lead role was not enough for the Ya Çok Seversen series project to go beyond 13 episodes. Ultimately, the ratings did not allow this and Kanal D had no choice but to take the project off the air.

Ya Çok Seversen series was a production where Kerem Bürsin fans wrote a great interaction story on social media and the actor showed his power once again.

Now, there is a similar situation abroad where Hande Erçel mobilizes large masses even when her name is mentioned. Although the actress is heavily criticized in our country, Turkish TV series fans abroad follow her with great excitement.

It would not be wrong to say that Burak Deniz is also a considerable supporter of the TV series Bambaşka Biri, which started with a very good promotional strategy and created a wide interaction on social media.

At all these points, it can be seen that the TV series Ya Çok Seversen and Bambaşka Biri are similar to each other. However, in terms of ratings, Ya Çok Sevsen had lower rates and therefore it was not possible to continue.

Although the TV series Bambaşka Biri has been on air for the 8th episode, it managed to impress a large audience.

We saw last week that the decline in the series’ ratings stopped. We can say that if the 9th episode on Monday gets a better rating than last week, this will be a very important signal for the future.