Series News The story of the warrior women of Anatolia, the Amazons, is becoming a TV series!

The story of the warrior women of Anatolia, the Amazons, is becoming a TV series!

Series Turkish

Turkey’s first content company, Orchestra Content, which makes a splash with its projects on women’s stories, other identities and social memory, turns a magical piece of our history into a series!

It is now known that the Amazons, which were thought to be a “legend” for centuries, but many real findings were found with the researches made in the 1940s, were warrior women who lived in the Black Sea region in history.

The “Amazon spirit”, traces of which can still be found in today’s women of our Black Sea region, especially in Samsun, is not a myth, it is a reality!

The series of the project, whose book based on long research is currently being written and will be published in book format in the first months of 2024, is planned to be filmed in the autumn season of 2024.

Details about the project will be announced in the coming months by Orchestra Content, which has always produced ambitious productions.