Artists News The true story of the Karadut series starring İrem Helvacıoğlu!

The true story of the Karadut series starring İrem Helvacıoğlu!


atv’s eagerly awaited new series ‘Karadut’, signed by Tims&B Productions, one of the leading production companies in the sector, has met with the audience.

You will find a powerful story in the Karadut series, which is understood to be one of the effective productions of Monday nights.

You will find the story of Zuhal, who is thrown away while trying to keep up with life and everything, and her transformation from darkness to light when she meets love in this production.

The journey of Zuhal, played by İrem Helvacıoğlu, with love will drag her family to a very different point.

In the Erdem family surrounded by rules, Zuhal will try to find her own truths. Zuhal, who will experience different tests with her father and siblings in such an environment, will impress the audience very much.

What do we know about the Zuhal Erdem character? Here are the details:

She achieved her superior success in her personal development career from the consultancy she gave on love and relationships and the books she wrote.

Underneath the image of a strong, beautiful, modern woman seen in the media lies a completely different identity in her home life. She is trapped in the role of a housewife who cannot escape her father’s protection.

Her responsibilities towards her family have turned her into a lonely woman, but she will dare to confront her father for the sake of love that comes her way when she least expects it.