Series News There is a riot in Mrs. Fazilet tv series

There is a riot in Mrs. Fazilet tv series


[Mrs.Fazilet and Her Daughters] tv series recent developments

Before the 40th episode of the TV series, the audience reacts to the screenwriters.

[Deniz Baysal, Caglar Ertuğrul, Nazan Kesal, Mahir Günşiray and Afra Saraçoğlu] are in the lead of the TV series.

Audiences who wanted Yağız and Hazan to be together in the TV series exhausted their patience.

Everyone was very happy to say that Hazan loved Yağız for the first time in the past chapter.

Those who were waiting for this moment for a long time were almost enchanted.

On the other hand, using Fazilet’s Sinan, which noticed the situation between Hazan and Yağız, the movement caused the confusion.

Hazan pleased the audience with the admission of his love confession.

But the same confession did not come from Yagiz.

The followers reacted to these people as follows:

“Why did it take so long!”
“I’m so bored now and they say they will!”,
“Wait, wait, wait, wait!”,
“I was terrified at the burnout, but you still have not got them!”