Series News These are the footsteps of great change in the The Ambassador’s Daughter series!

These are the footsteps of great change in the The Ambassador’s Daughter series!


If the bad characters in the series, stories or the effects are weakened, the interest decreases as well… Here is the well-known series of the Girl of The Ambassador’s Daughter. The participation of Bülent Şakrak in The Ambassador’s Daughter was a very important development.

After the character Akın no longer satisfies the audience in the quota of the villain, Bülent Şakrak came to the series with his savior.

Bülent Şakrak, who appeared in the series with the character of Kahraman Boz, added a different excitement to the story.

This will show itself more in the 17th season finale, which will be released on Monday, June 22. The evils of Kahraman, the whole of the events that will drag Sancar and Nare into him, will seem to be the most important trump card of The Ambassador’s Daughter in the second season.

The first images from the season finale of Engin Akyürek, Neslihan Atagül and Uraz Kaygılaroğlu, also attracted great attention.

The audience was very curious. Under this excitement lies the character of Kahraman Boz, played by Bülent Şakrak. A big change is expected in the second season of the series. It is imperative that the story becomes more interesting and complicated. Bad characters like Kahraman Boz are more needed in the series.