Synopsis Onur (Furkan Palali) is a young and handsome guy who comes from a wealthy family. He is the heir of his family business together with his nephew, Erol (Cihan Ercan). Both Onur and Erol enjoy their lives and do not consider to get married soon. However, their future plans change completely when their grandfather dies. Their grandfather leaves a letter and states that whoever gets married first and has a baby would be eligible to inherit the family business.
After this letter, Onur and Erol find themselves in a different path. Their parents start to force them to find somebody and marry soon so that they could take all the inheritance. They consider potential daughter-in-laws from high society and arrange so many dates for their sons.
Lale (Demet Ozdemir), on the other hand, is a naive and beautiful girl who comes from an ordinary Turkish family. She works together with her mom and her sister nergis (Pelin Uluksar) at their flower shop and endures her mother’s pressure for marriage. However, she cannot forget the betrayal of her ex-boyfriend.