Series News Two big TV series projects in 2022! Great preparation from TV8 and Show TV!

Two big TV series projects in 2022! Great preparation from TV8 and Show TV!

Series Turkish

As we leave 2021 behind and enter 2022, the world of TV series is also very active. Work continues on many TV series projects for both television and digital platforms. Among them, there are 2 projects that attract attention…

The first of these projects appears to be the TV series Baba, which will be broadcast on Show TV. Both Haluk Bilginer and Tolga Sarıtaş are in the lead role of this project… When we look at the other names that have been signed for the series, it is understood that a very effective production is coming.

Zeynep Tuğçe Bayat, Özge Özacar, Ayda Aksel, Damlasu İkizoğlu, Bihter Dinçel, Beril Pozam, Taner Rumeli and Oktay Çabuk stand out as the names in the cast of the series. When the producer of the series, which is expressed as an Anatolian story, is Ay Yapım, and one of the screenwriters is Gökhan Horzum, attention is drawn to this project.

The Baba series, which will be directed by Çağrı Bayrak and will be screened on Show TV, with action, drama and detective features, is one of the biggest TV series projects of 2022.

Another major TV series project is being prepared by OGM Pictures and will meet with the audience on TV8. The important detail that makes the series stand out so much is that Çağatay Ulusoy takes the lead role…

The preparations for the series, directed by Cem Karcı, continue intensively. The search for actors for the Süslü Korkuluk, whose promotional shoots will be held in the first days of January, continues.

Meetings with two successful female actors of the last period, such as Alina Boz and Hafsanur Sancaktutan, also make this series stand out.

Both the Baba series and the Süslü Korkuluk will be productions that will excite the audience in 2022. The performance of these two series has already been a matter of curiosity.