Akrep Episode 3 Trailer | English Subtitle | Bahasa Indonesia

Akrep Episode 3 Trailer | English Subtitle | Bahasa Indonesia

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Akrep, 1441 Productions, directed by Gökçen Usta and written by Erkan Birgören, is a Turkish-made television series. Demet Akbağ and Evrim Alasya are the leading roles.Visit our Microsite : https://serbadizi.com
Akrep All Episode : https://serbadizi.com/akrep

#DemetAkbag #EvrimAlasya #YusufÇimPerihan Emgen (Demet Akbağ); With her daughter, grandchildren and her son-in-law, whom she endured for her daughter, though she does not love it very much, she lives a comfortable and powerful life that she has literally scratched with her nails over the years. With a phone call from the police station one night, their lives will change forever! The body of her daughter Berna has been found! Behind bars, Ferda Kendirci (Evrim Alasya), who told a young lawyer in front of a young lawyer why Perihan’s life was turned upside down, became the owner of a neighborhood hairdresser by scratching it with her nails, but she is after what Perihan has!